This little booklet era written to assist
pazienti con una malattia neuromuscolare in handling their tasks
of daily viventi. All the hints it contiene have been
campo-tested e proven utili. Most were suggested by
pazienti o their families. Only a few have been gleaned
from the literature. In this sense, the pamphlet, like the
Heloise libri, è truly a do-it-yourself owner’s manual.
Solitamente, “Help-Con-Ease” hints don’t
require ogni special tools o equipment. Most del gadgets
descritti can be facilmente made con materiali at mano in the
ordinary household o purchased ad un grocery, hardware o
fabric store o ordered from readily available self-help
Noi hope these hints will help you e your
caregivers tend to your daily tasks of eating, grooming,
dressing, sitting, transferring, communicating, getting
attorno, using the toilet, working,
recreating, traveling, acquisti e
sleeping. Se you o yours have a suggestion you would like
us to include in a future edition of our “Help-Con-Ease”
hints, send it on e noi’ll make it 102, 103, o perfino 110 o
più hints next tempo.
Dr. Irwin M. Siegel co-dirige numerosi
Chicago-area MDA clinics. Lui è the author of The
Clinica Management of Muscolo Malattia, Muscolo e Its
Malattie, e The Clinica I,
a collection of vignettes e essays.
Patricia Casey è an occupazionale terapista
serving four Chicago clinics. Lei è also active in local
SLA clinica programs e drug studia. Ms. Casey ha
pubblicato numerosi scientific articoli on the ruolo of
terapia occupazionale in the management of neuromuscolare
Sitting, Transferring e Mobility..............................................
Sleeping o Resting.....................................................................
Exercising e Managing Contratture......................................
Velcro closures make buttoning e donning
shoes easier than using buttons, snaps o shoestrings.
Velcro buttons e strips sono available at fabric stores.
Velcro tabs can be sewn to shoes ad un brace shop o shoe
repair shop. Ready-made velcro closure tennis shoes sono
solitamente trovato at discount department stores.
Large bib overalls sono excellent garb per
young people in wheelchairs. They slip off facilmente to
facilitate using the toilet. A front opening è available in
some styles per usare con male urinals. Elastic-waisted
esercizio clothing (i.e., sweat pants e running suits) è
easier to push down e pull up. A 22-inch zipper can be
sewn into the front seam e extended down the gambe to allow
plenty of room per the usare di una urinal.
A double bias tape loop (one attaccata to a
belt loop, the altre encircling the wrist) makes it easier
to lift e più bassa a pair of trousers when at least one-mano
support è necessaria to stand dopo using the toilet.
Ventilation under plastica tutori è migliorato
by wearing fishnet panty hose. This practical apparel è
specialmente utili in the summer.
A simple pushing o pulling aid to help
bring clothing closer to you from the bed, dresser drawer o
closet, senza reaching, can be made from a wire coat
hanger custom bent at either o entrambe ends. Be accurato con a
sharp fine. Wrap the ends con masking tape o slip a soft
pencil eraser on the fine to help avoid tearing clothing e
to provide a better grip.
A circolare key ring can be attaccata to a
zipper tab che ha a hole in it, allowing fingers o thumb
to facilmente gasp the tab e close the zipper. Sticky zippers
will slide facilmente se rubbed con the lead from a lead pencil.
Buttoning can be eased by using elastico
loops per buttonholes e sewing buttons on con elastico
thread. The center of each button (front e back) can be
touched con clear nail polish to seal the threads e make
the button stay on longer. This works specialmente well con
buttons on cuffs. Buttons can also be fastened to
buttonholes per appearance e velcro patches placed on the
back per closure.
Although a gentleman’s pre-knotted necktie
can be adapted con an elastico band, a plastica o metal clip
glued o sewn on the back del knot might be easier to
place on a buttoned collar.
Tube socks (socks senza heels che stretch
to fit the foot) sono easy per a bambino o adult to put
on. Socks con un poco Orlon in them sono also easier to put
on per winter wear than socks made of 100 percento wool.
A foot che stiffens downward so much che
it’s hard to get a shoe on can be più facilmente slipped into a
shoe se the back del shoe è cut vertically e loosely
laced. A tennis shoe can be adapted by sewing a zipper down
the side. Ogni shoe repair shop can modificare a pair of shoes in
this fashion.
When a bambino ha difficulty telling the
right shoe from the left, draw half an animal on each so the
two halves make a whole animal when placed side by side.
Per the little girl who spesso puts her dress
on backwards, provide a reminder to help her do it right,
such as pinning a colorful bow to the front del dress.
Heavy fishing line pulled attraverso zipper
tabs e tied in a loop (the knot can be sealed by melting
it con the heat from a lighted match) makes it easier to
pull the zipper closed. This idea works specialmente well on
men’s o women’s slacks. The loop è invisible e also
washes well.
A gastrostomy tube can be covered facilmente
con corpo-size stockinette tubing. This will protect
clothing from getting soiled by the tube. A 10- to
12-inch-wide piece è cut e slipped over the capo e braccia.
Ask your clinic orthotist to darti some.
Leaving your tutori per le gambe in the shoes
provides an instant shoe horn which may help when slipping
the shoes e tutori onto your feet.
Don’t try to trim plastica tutori by yourself.
Even using a sharp tool to carve the plastica può causare it to
Always usare shoes che have the same heel
height as those worn when your tutori per le gambe were fitted. Se
you don’t your feet e ankles può essere tilted up o down,
which will throw you off balance. Also check the sole on
tennis shoes. Alcuni brands have soft cushion bubbles on the
soles che can make you unsteady. Look per firm, flat soles.
Se one side del corpo è weaker, it prende
less effort to dress this side first. Per example, put the
weaker braccia into the shirt sleeve first, the stronger braccia
next. Whenever possible, sit mentre dressing so you can
safely rest as necessaria.
Se you have difficulty buttoning a shirt o
blouse, get a larger size, keep it buttoned all the tempo e
put it on as se it were a pullover shirt.
When speaking è a problem, a doodle board
can be used. Alcuni tipi sono the Magna Doodle, Etch-A-Sketch
e Magic Slate. Queste handy devices make it unnecessary to
carry a pencil e pad. Small electronic models sono also
available. Look per memory organizers con simple functions
che will write out a word, phrase o sentence on the screen.
Queste strumenti sono relatively legible, portable e
Large felt tip pens sono più facilmente handled
than the media ball-point model. Large-diameter ball-point
pens sono available at office supply stores, at checkout
counters in molti drug stores, discount stores, etc.
Pieces cut from a common kitchen sink foam
sponge o perfino some rubber bands wrapped attorno a pencil/pen
make it easier to grip. Molti small pen/pencil grips sono
available at office warehouse stores. Inexpensive, too!
Una piccola rubber ball can be punctured so a
pencil can be forced attraverso. This makes an excellent grip
per a pencil o altre writing implement. Una piccola lazy Susan
turntable on the desk top per pens, tape, paper clips, etc.,
makes them easier to reach.
Molti bambini con
poor mano control can imparare to write well on a typewriter o
computer keyboard. The youngster who è clever con numbers
can do molti accounting tasks on a small calculator.
When mani sono troppo deboli to turn the pagine di a book ma neck strength e
control remain, an excellent capo-centrate turner can be
fashioned by attaching a pencil-thin wooden dowel,
approximately 18 inches lungo, al centro del brim di una
tightly fitting cap o sunshade. A soft pencil eraser
slipped over the fine del dowel can provide friction per
turning the page. Mouthsticks e commercial pointers sono
also available se this doesn’t work.
An efficace transfer board can be fashioned
from a lunghezza of hardwood which è sanded, waxed e altamente
polished. Both ends should be beveled. This è a project per
qualcuno at your house who likes to work con wood.
Trasferisce e gait can be assisted by using
a wide, securely buckled belt attorno the paziente’s waist,
which è then grasped to support him/her durante transfer o
steady him/her mentre walking. However, special gait belts
sono spesso inexpensive, solitamente under $10 ad un medical supply
A king-size satin pillow case è an
excellent aid ad usare as a drawsheet per transfer o turning
in bed.
Because of its height, a bar stool è a good
seat per the paziente con weak anche e/o knee extensors.
Look per one con a wide gambe base. You might also want one
con a back e armrests. When rising from a chair con braccia
covers, the covers can be kept from slipping by laying a
sheet of art foam (available at art supply stores) fra
the cover e the braccia rest del chair. A terry cloth
washcloth will also work.
Leverage can be aumentata when moving in bed
by using braccia elevators constructed con lightweight,
wide-based wooded blocks to which dowel handles have been
Football receiver gloves afford a better
grip on the handrail when climbing o descending stairs.
Baseball o biking gloves sono non abbastanza as good.
When traveling, an airline carrozzina can be
rented per negotiating narrow porte e passageways.
Radio waves può causare unintended motion of
power wheelchairs o scooters. Take caution using CB radios
o cellular phones when your carrozzina power è on. Also be
informati del location of radio transmitters such as radio o
TV stations e two-way radios. Try to avoid driving near
A heavy rope, knotted at 12-inch intervals
e slung from a secure tree branch, can be used per support
to help a bambino con weak gambe pratica walking outside in
the back yard.
Bassa-cut pile carpeting senza padding è
safer a camminare on than heavy shag o throw rugs e makes
carrozzina mobility at home easier to manage.
A lightweight bicycle helmet è comfortable
as capo protection per bambini prone to falling. A homemade
capo protector made of cloth strips filled con closed-cell
foam padding sewn to circle e cross the top del capo è
also efficace.
Molti libraries will deliver o mail libri to
your home. Check con your local library per informazioni.
Gardening can be aiutati by using a lunghezza of
plastica tubing as a conduit to plant seeds when seated in una carrozzina.
The dimples on a rubber thimble provide
friction to help turn the pagine di a book o magazine.
Per fishermen who have difficulty retrieving
a line, numerosi devices sono available, compresa a vest con
a lightweight harness which holds the fishing rod in an
aluminum tube con a locking feature. Also obtainable è an
electronic fishing reel featuring a four-speed control con
two manual e two electronic settings.
A spring-loaded billiard cue è available
per billiards o pool players who manca strength enough to
handle the standard cue.
Se you want to play a stringed instrument
(guitar, banjo, ukulele, etc.) ma have weak mani e
wrists, a soft glove can be modificato by gluing individual
plastica picks onto the fingers, aggiungendo a Velcro strap (per
quick sizing) al wrist e opening the thumb area per
easy removal. The glove facilitates plucking e strumming
stringed strumenti by moving the fingers in a clawing
manner, either separately o together.
Per those who sew, a small magnet glued to
the fine di una yardstick makes an efficace “retriever” per
dropped pins e needles.
The Department of Il trasporto, Office of
Consumer Affairs, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC, 20590
(202/366- 222 0) distributes an excellent booklet, “New
Information per the Air Traveler con a
Disabilità,” which details one’s rights as a disabile persona.
It è libera on request.
“Paddle-minton” è a badminton-like game
using a short paddle which è easy to handle from una carrozzina. The game’s birdie è modificato so as non to fly
fast o alto. The birdie’s speed can be aggiustata by tying
the feathers together per faster play o spreading them
apart to slow its flight.
The “Quad-Bee” frisbee ha two adaptive
thumb clips allowing qualcuno con upper extremity debolezza
to hold e throw the device.
Hand control in bambini can be developed
con games utilizing rings placed attorno pegs. Pegs can be
made from an old broomstick o altre small dowels nailed o
glued to a flat board. Rings can be fabricated from the
plastica holders trovato on soda pop o beer cans o cardboard
rings can be cut from a cylindrical oatmeal box o a paper
towel tube.
Wheelchair archery è made easier per
persons con weak braccia by using a straight braccia splint on the
braccia che holds the bow e a hook fashioned to the altre
mano to pull the bowstring. Archery may help correct spinal
curvature. The braccia pulling the string should be on the side
che ha the più prominent curve del spine.
A secure seat per a small bambino’s usare on a
seesaw can be fashioned from half di una plastica bucket o a
section of an automobile tire. Tape the edges con duct tape
per safety.
A thick board can be slotted to hold a mano
of playing cards per those whose grasp è weak. Ask your
handy woodworking friend to make this simple ma utili
gadget per you.
When bending è a problem in cleaning più bassa
cabinets o appliances, possono be reached con a good
spray cleaner. An O-Cedar Light ’N Thirsty Cloth mop can be
used to wipe the superficie clean, dopo allowing the spray to
set a few minutes.
When fingers sono troppo deboli to grasp a broom
o mop handle firmly, a leather o cloth loop can be placed
over the handle e pulled con the forearm.
Friction è diminuiti per changing sleep
position by using satin o nylon sheets e/o pajamas. Ma,
be accurato when sitting on the side del bed as you will
slip abbastanza facilmente when provando to transfer to your carrozzina
o commode.
A heavy belt o strap tied to the bedposts
o a bed frame è a simple way to gain leverage to turn
yourself from side to side.
Per the coppia who want a double bed dove
solamente one richiede a hospital bed, an extra lungo (80”) twin
bed can be attaccata side by side to an electric hospital bed.
Order an electric hospital bed che ha no headboard (80”),
then a king-size headboard can be attaccata to entrambe beds.
Washable synthetic sheepskin padding o
commercial eggcrate foam can be placed under a fitted sheet
per più comfort when lying down. Ogni di una variety of
gonfiabile camping mattresses serve the same purpose.
A U-shaped viaggiano neck pillow can be used to
support the neck mentre lying flat o reclining in bed o in
a lounge chair.
Fiberfill o down comforters sono lighter e
warmer than wool o acrylic blankets. It’s easier to move
underneath o to lift them.
Covers tented over a straight-back chair al fine del bed will libera your feet e gambe mentre
keeping you warm. Using bed corner garters to secure the
blanket edges to the mattress è an inexpensive way of
keeping them securely tucked. They can be trovato in the
bedding department of discount stores.
To facilmente identify e retrieve a house key
from a ring of keys, drill a second hole vicino al edge del key so it will hang off center on the keyring o usare a
plastica key fine cover, available at your hardware store.
Long corpo pillows can be used to prop the
back per side lying, preventing you from rolling backward.
They can also be placed fra your knees to decremento
pressure e propped to reduce anche contracture.
An empty half-gallon plastica cylindrical
container makes a handy floating support per the capo e
neck to allow shampooing mentre the bather è reclined in a
tub. Avoid eccessivamente hot acqua when bathing, since it causes
Per a “dry shampoo,” sprinkle cornstarch o
bambino powder lightly on oily hair e brush it out. Pull a
nylon stocking over the brush bristles e brush vigorously
to remove più dirt e restore the sheen to your hair.
Cylindrical foam can be purchased in yard
lengths e attaccata o wrapped per extending o enlarging
the handle di una razor, comb, toothbrush o altre grooming
tool. Uno fine di una flat wooden coat hanger can be drilled to
accept a pick-type comb. This device provides a light e
facilmente handled comb extension.
Liquid soap containers sono convenient ad usare
when attaccata to the bathroom o shower wall. You don’t have
to handle a slippery bar of soap o bottle of shampoo o
hair conditioner. Make a slit e pocket in a thick sponge
to hold a flat bar of soap. When you wash just squeeze the
sponge to get the suds.
A toothbrush can be adapted per usare by weak
mani/wrists by cutting the middle rows of bristles down to
half their height. Con this modification the front e back
del teeth sono brushed by the alto front e back bristles
mentre the tops sono cleaned by the shortened middle bristles.
Such a toothbrush can also be purchased attraverso an appliance
catalogo, as can an electric-powered model suitable per those
lacking the strength o agility to brush their teeth. Look
per one con a rotary brush. It’s easier to hold in front of
your bocca.
A washcloth mitten è easier per some folks
ad usare than a regular washcloth per washing oneself o the
A nail clipper e file combination can be
mounted on a sturdy board, eliminating the necessitano per thumb o
pinch strength when using these implements.
Use bambino wipes instead of toilet tessuto.
They sono easier to hold e you feel (e sono) cleaner when
you finish using them.
Serenity Security Pads worn at night can
decremento the numero of times you have ad usare the bathroom.
They can also be worn on lungo car trips.
A piece of semi-flexible plastica (like che
used to make small pocket rulers) can be impiegate to fold
toilet tessuto per usare. The tessuto è wrapped attorno
two-thirds del lunghezza del plastica (no sharp edges
please), e the remainder used as an extension handle.
Another way to provide an extension per cleaning yourself
con toilet paper è to wrap the tessuto attorno the working
fine di una pair of ordinary kitchen tongs.
Easy access to e egress from a bathroom
can be provided by removing the door (e perfino parte del
door-frame) e hanging an opaque shower curtain instead.
This ends the difficulty of opening e closing the door
senza sacrificing privacy. Offset hinges can also be used
to widen the doorway senza removing the door.
A Texas condom catheter per men o boys who
can’t control their urine o sono in situazioni dove it’s
inconvenient ad usare the toilet can be prescribed by your
physician. It’s attaccata con double-sided adhesive tape to
avoid leaking e fastened to a gambe bag per urine collection.
The lungo connection hose (per the gambe bag) can be clamped al fine e placed over a urinal o toilet edge, thus
eliminating the necessitano per a gambe bag. The condom can be reused
se carefully washed in plain soap e acqua.
A moistened paper towel placed under your
plate will keep it from slipping on a formica tabletop.
The diameter of eating utensil handles can
be aumentata con cylindrical foam (available as pipe
insulation al hardware store).
Wide-handled plastica mugs sono easier to lift
when all four fingers can be placed inside the handle. This
way a firm grasp isn’t necessaria to hold e tip the cup verso
the bocca. An inexpensive sip-a-mug can be purchased at most
drugstores o supermarkets. This è a light plastica mug con
a contoured handle which also serves as a straw.
Lightweight plastica bowls sono easier to
handle than glass o ceramic dishes. A rubber mesh mat will
keep them from slipping on the counter o in the lap.
A sport-type plastica drink container spesso
ha a hole contenente a straw in its cover which eases/allows
access to its contents.
Annoying phlegm can be diminuiti by limiting
the ingestion of dairy foods, ma be sure to get your daily
calcium quotient in altre ways. Citrus juice can “cut” thick
Suck ice chips prima eating se you have
difficulty deglutizione. It helps desensitize the gag reflex.
Masticazione licorice just prima eating
decreases the appetite because it dulls taste buds. Be
accurato non to overdo this. Too much licorice can decremento
your siero potassio livello.
Where deglutizione è difficult, a package of
frozen peas placed on the front del neck may prove of
assistance by relaxing muscolo spasm.
When food gathers in the back del bocca,
tip the chin downward, non upward, to improve ingestion.
A little Oscar’s meat tenderizer (MSG) on
the back del lingua will help to break up thick saliva
e aid deglutizione.
A damp dish towel wrapped attorno the base di una bowl will keep it from slipping on a smooth counter.
A simple portable aid to help get the mano
to the bocca can be made con ogni forearm support such as a
flat lunghezza of wood o perfino split bamboo (con numerosi slips
of velcro tacked on to secure the braccia) e attaccata in the
middle on entrambe sides con a pin to two grande dowels which
sono fixed to a heavy wooden base. This forearm prop can be
placed on a tavolo dove it acts like a seesaw, lifting the
mano to the bocca when the elbow è dropped.
A disposable plastica cup con a spazio cut
out along the rim to fit about a bambino’s nose will allow the
youngster to drink in a better, più controlled position
con his chin forward, rather than having to bend his capo
A bambino having trouble controlling a cup
con one mano can spesso do better se it’s fitted con two
handles. This adapted cup è listed at low cost in ADL
catalogs o you can ask a local potter to make one per you
se a ceramic mug will non be too heavy to lift.
An “octopus” soap holder which ha multiple
suzione supports makes an efficace plate, glass o cup
stabilizer. This gadget can be purchased in most grocery
An extra-lungo plastica straw can be used to
eliminate the necessitano to lift a glass when drinking.
Tight heel cords can be trattate mentre a
young bambino rides a rocking horse by fitting the horse con
stirrups so che the feet verrà stretched up to a più
normale position as he/she rocks.
Contratture can be measured by ripiegamento a
piece of paper to match the angle del joint, tracing the
folded edge onto a second sheet e measuring it con a
protractor. By keeping a record del degree of contracture,
the caregiver can see progress e è più likely to keep
working hard at stretching exercises to correct the
Balancing exercises sono important because
loss of balance can result in a fall con possible injury.
Holding on to qualcuno mentre standing on each foot alone è a
simple way to improve balance.
A foot board (one-half- to
tre-quarto-inch plywood padded con a blanket will do)
per support al foot del bed to keep the feet propped
al ankles durante sleep, helps prevent ankle contratture.
Of course, this means you deve essere able to sleep on your back
con entrambe feet against the board. You could, comunque, be
side-lying con at least one foot against the board per some
Se your heels feel sore mentre you’re lying
on your back, place a small pillow under your calves to
relieve heel pressure. This same tecnica can be used
durante the day when you prop up your feet to reduce rigonfiamento.
Tender heels can be toughened by patting them con a moist
teabag at night. When the tea dries, the tannic acidi it
contiene will act to harden (e leggermente discolor) the skin.
Passive stretching del knee can be accomplished by
placing the calves on a pillow supported by a hassock o
kitchen chair. In this way, your heels aren’t resting on the
supporting superficie e there è no heel pressure che might
reduce local vascular circulation.
Hand exercises can be fun. Try learning linguaggio dei segni e playing “shadow puppets.” Or squeeze the poles
di una toy che makes an articulated animal go loop-de-loop.
Fingers sono exercised comfortably by squeezing a washcloth
o sponge in a basin of warm acqua.
Exercising con your bambino can be made
entertaining by strapping a small bell o flag to the braccia o
gambe so che it will ring o flap when il bambino moves.
The easiest way to stretch heel cord
contratture è to stand at braccia’s lunghezza from a wall e
place your mani on the wall. Lean verso the wall, bending
your elbows, mentre keeping the heels flat on the floor e
the knees straight, e attempt to touch the wall con your
chest. Se this è too hard you can start con your feet
closer to the wall, o bend one knee ad un tempo.
When a bambino è seated, his feet should
sempre be supported. A box o grande book will do. Dangling
feet sono più prone to develop contratture.
Simple breathing exercises can be performed
by blowing attraverso a straw, blowing up balloons o blowing a
ping pong ball on a tabletop o altre flat superficie. Playing
a harmonica, kazoo o altre wind instrument è a pleasant
way to esercizio i polmoni.
Excessive heat will aumentano sintomi in
those con myasthenia gravis. Swimming in a cool pool è the
meglio esercizio per these pazienti. Cool foods e drink sono
also easier to swallow. Emotional stress, perfino positive
stress, increases debolezza in questa malattia e should essere evitati. That’s right, you can have too much fun!
Per additional devices to help con
attività of daily viventi, the following companies possono avere
what you necessitano.
(800) 795-2392
Dining Con Dignity
(757) 565-2452
Hertz Supply
(800) 321-4240
Home Healthcare Solutions
(678) 884-0281
Independent Living Aids
(800) 537-2118
(800) 333-6900
(973) 628-7600
Sammons Preston
(800) 323-5547
TFI Healthcare
(804) 861-0063
Ag Apparel
(609) 661-0195
(800) 445-1981
(847) 816-8580
DynaVox Technologies
(886) 396-2869
Eyegaze Systems from LC Technologies
(800) 393-4293
Sitting, Transferring e Mobility:
(800) 451-1903
LiftVest USA
(800) 300-5671
(800) 467-7967
SureHands Lift e Care Systems
(800) 724-5305
Hertz Supply
(800) 321-4240
stanza da bagno Equipment:
Apex Dynamics Healthcare prodotti
(800) 742-0453
Clark Medical prodotti
(800) 889-5295
(800) 443-5433
(888) 288-5653
R.D. Equipment
(508) 362-7498
Stand Aid of Iowa
(800) 831-8580