Per people served by MDA, ci sono molti modi to connect con altre che sono facing similar challenges posed by malattie neuromuscolari.

Whether chatting by phone, face-to-face o via the Internet, thousands of people have trovato friendship, empathy e problema solving by linking up con altre through MDA's support systems.

Ma one thing č per sure: Finding such support doesn't mean you'll find a room full of tears e sob stories. Sharing emotions č a priority, ma so č exchanging ideas, victories e inspiration per living con malattie neuromuscolari. In fact, molti participants find they receive the biggest boost by giving of stessi e sharing their tips per making life easier.

It's MDA's goal to forniscono opportunitā to give e receive support to as molte persone as possibile. MDA offre gruppi di supporto nationwide to assist individuals e their famiglie in coping con the special problemi malattie neuromuscolari impose. Support gruppi forniscono valuable emotional support e practical help.

In aggiunta to gruppi di supporto, molti MDA chapters coordinate educational seminari per health professionals e those served by the Association.

Per additional informazioni regarding gruppi di supporto in your area, please contact your ufficio locale della MDA.