Featured in questo issue dei magazine
Distrofia muscolare distale
Questo special section on OPMD include fast facts, an update on state-of-the-art research e malattia management, con first-persona stories from people con OPMD, e informazioni about
genetic testing. (pių)
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Easy-to-Eat Holiday Cheer
During the holidays, eating č as much about friends e famiglia as it č about food. Ma quando debolezza muscolare makes it difficult o impossible to eat by mouth, alcuni shy away from coming to the table.
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Find Alcuni Fun!
Got a special qualcuno on your list? A burning desire to play St. Nick? Looking to share alcuni holiday
spirit? Then take a peek at the following gift ideas meant to inspire fun. (pių)
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The Last Great Thing
Retiring your service dog
Anyone who ha a service dog will agree che the first day home con your new partner č like no altri. Akin to adopting un bambino, your thoughts sono ecstatic e you embrace every subsequent minute until it’s time per Fido’s retirement e you sono left wondering where all the time went. (pių)
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