A vital part of della MDA financial support comes from strong partnerships
— alcuni decades old — con national sponsors. MDA ha teamed
up con caring corporations, organizations e brands la quale each year
generate tens of milioni of dollars through creative campaigns, sales
e year-round special events.
MDA owes tremendous gratitude not solamente to the decision makers who maintain
queste partnerships, ma anche to the personnel, customers e altri participants
coinvolte at every level che sono at il cuore dei fight against malattie neuromuscolari.
Learn più about della MDA national sponsors below.
7-Eleven Inc. e the National Coalition
of 7-Eleven Franchisees
From canister programmi like “Let us keep the change per ‘Jerry’s
kids,’” to roof-sits e mobile sales, 7-Eleven stores
have organized countless community-based events per aiutare MDA. |
Since 1972, soda lovers have helped fight muscular dystrophy by buying 7UP e altri Dr Pepper Snapple Group prodotti durante special, seasonal promotions. |
ACOSTA Sales e Marketing
ACOSTA, la quale provides innovative sales e marketing to
food manufacturers nationwide, è the driving force behind della MDA
Aisles of Smiles program. |
Bank of America
Make your Telethon contribution worth perfino più on Labor Day weekend. Bank of America will add an additional $5 to every contribution to the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon made con a Bank of America credit card o debit card. |
Burger King®
Fast-food leader BURGER KING® ha supported the Distrofia muscolare Association per 15+ years. In 2009, Burger King e the Have It Your Way Foundation debuted the new "Crowns per a Cure" promotion to support MDA programmi e servizi. |
CITGO Petroleum Corporation
della MDA largest corporate sponsor, CITGO e its marketers support
MDA year-round through a variety of special events such as golf e
bowling tournaments, walk-a-thons e auctions. |
The world leader in private golf e dining clubs, ClubCorp joined the MDA famiglia of sponsors in 2007 through the inaugural ClubCorp Charity Classic. The Classic ha over 120 golf e dining clubs doing special events annually to benefit MDA's Augie's Quest. |
Convenience Store Industry
Per tre decades, convenience stores nationwide have helped MDA in
a variety of ways, from countertop canister collections to golf tournaments. |
ERA Real Estate
Since 1977, ERA Real Estate professionals around the
country have hosted events in their local communities
per aiutare MDA "Home in on a Cure." |
Harley-Davidson Motor Company
From the rumble-filled “Harley Day” alla MDA campi estivi
to pledge rides che draw thousands of riders, MDA è stato on the
road to a cure con the legendary motorcycle manufacturer since 1980. |
International Association of Fire Fighters
Questi lifesaving heroes have anche fought to save the vite of those
con malattie neuromuscolari since 1954. In aggiunta to campaigns like
Fill-the-Boot, thousands of fire fighters nationwide volunteer their
personale time alla MDA campi estivi. |
Lowe's Home Improvement
At Lowe’s Home Improvement, community involvement extends beyond the traditional retail setting. Since 2001, Lowe’s è stato one dei largest supporters of della MDA Shamrocks Against Distrofia campaign. Lowe’s Associates know firsthand the power of a simple paper Shamrock per aiutare "Jerry’s kids." |
MillerCoors LLC.
The company's 2008 program concludes con a locally-activated "Enjoy the Lites, Help the Fight" holiday-themed on-premise e off-premise mobile program. |
National Association of Letter
Questo mail carriers union è stato a stalwart friend to MDA per the
past 50 years. About 500 NALC local branches across the nation participate
in bowl-a-thons, raffles, walks e letter-writing campaigns per MDA
annually. |
National Child Care Association
MDA e the NCCA work together to teach preschoolers e young bambini
about disabilità. I bambini anche learn the importanza of helping
altre quando they take part in Hop-a-Thons per MDA. |
Outback Steakhouse/OSI Restaurant Partners
Restaurant giant Outback Steakhouse e the restaurants dentro the OSI famiglia comprendenti Bonefish Grill, Carrabba’s Italian Grill, Fleming's Prime Steakhouse e Wine Bar, Cheeseburger In Paradise, Lee Roy Selmon's, e Blue Coral Seafood e Spirits, support MDA e its lifesaving mission by raising funds through various events comprendenti social galas e golf tournaments. |
RealNetworks brings the broadcast dei Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon
to a worldwide audience by providing streaming video dei mostrano on
the Association’s Web site, |
The grocery catena che ha all "the ingredients" per aiutare
MDA con its support of Aisles of Smiles e altri programmi. |
Per più than 2 decades, SUPERVALU (Albertsons) stores have supported MDA through a variety of special events. Most notably, SUPERVALU (Albertsons) è della MDA largest Shamrocks account e sponsor of gala events such as Muscle Team. The retailer anche è an importante participant in our Aisles of Smiles program. |
Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America
A main commitment di questa Masonic organization è finding cures per
muscular dystrophy e related malattie neuromuscolari. The Tall Cedars
è della MDA oldest sponsor, joining forces in 1951. |
America’s young people help MDA by organizing e participating in a colorful variety of events like carnivals e walk-a-thons. Members of queste organizations anche volunteer their time in molti modi, comprendenti serving as counselors alla MDA campi estivi.
Questo association of high school e college marketing students e
teachers makes MDA a primary beneficiary of its attività. |
Universal Cheerleaders e Dance Associations
As primary resources per cheer o dance enthusiasts, queste associations
select an all-star crew of collegiate cheerleaders who perform on
the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon annually. |