A vital part of della MDA financial support comes from strong partnerships — alcuni decades old — con national sponsors. MDA ha teamed up con caring corporations, organizations e brands la quale each year generate tens of milioni of dollars through creative campaigns, sales e year-round special events.

MDA owes tremendous gratitude not solamente to the decision makers who maintain queste partnerships, ma anche to the personnel, customers e altri participants coinvolte at every level che sono at il cuore dei fight against malattie neuromuscolari.

Learn più about della MDA national sponsors below.

7 Eleven

7-Eleven Inc. e the National Coalition of 7-Eleven Franchisees
From canister programmi like “Let us keep the change per ‘Jerry’s kids,’” to roof-sits e mobile sales, 7-Eleven stores have organized countless community-based events per aiutare MDA.
7 UP
Since 1972, soda lovers have helped fight muscular dystrophy by buying 7UP e altri Dr Pepper Snapple Group prodotti durante special, seasonal promotions.
ACOSTA Sales e Marketing Co.
ACOSTA, la quale provides innovative sales e marketing to food manufacturers nationwide, è the driving force behind della MDA Aisles of Smiles program.
Bank of America
Bank of America
Make your Telethon contribution worth perfino più on Labor Day weekend. Bank of America will add an additional $5 to every contribution to the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon made con a Bank of America credit card o debit card.
Burger King

Burger King®
Fast-food leader BURGER KING® ha supported the Distrofia muscolare Association per 15+ years. In 2009, Burger King e the Have It Your Way Foundation debuted the new "Crowns per a Cure" promotion to support MDA programmi e servizi.

CITGO Petroleum Corporation
della MDA largest corporate sponsor, CITGO e its marketers support MDA year-round through a variety of special events such as golf e bowling tournaments, walk-a-thons e auctions.
The world leader in private golf e dining clubs, ClubCorp joined the MDA famiglia of sponsors in 2007 through the inaugural ClubCorp Charity Classic. The Classic ha over 120 golf e dining clubs doing special events annually to benefit MDA's Augie's Quest.
Caring Makes Good Friends
Convenience Store Industry
Per tre decades, convenience stores nationwide have helped MDA in a variety of ways, from countertop canister collections to golf tournaments.
ERA Real Estate ERA Real Estate
Since 1977, ERA Real Estate professionals around the country have hosted events in their local communities per aiutare MDA "Home in on a Cure."
Harley-Davidson Motor Company
Harley-Davidson Motor Company
From the rumble-filled “Harley Day” alla MDA campi estivi to pledge rides che draw thousands of riders, MDA è stato on the road to a cure con the legendary motorcycle manufacturer since 1980.
International Association of Firefighters
International Association of Fire Fighters  
Questi lifesaving heroes have anche fought to save the vite of those con malattie neuromuscolari since 1954. In aggiunta to campaigns like Fill-the-Boot, thousands of fire fighters nationwide volunteer their personale time alla MDA campi estivi.
Lowe's Home Improvement
Lowe's Home Improvement
At Lowe’s Home Improvement, community involvement extends beyond the traditional retail setting. Since 2001, Lowe’s è stato one dei largest supporters of della MDA Shamrocks Against Distrofia campaign. Lowe’s Associates know firsthand the power of a simple paper Shamrock per aiutare "Jerry’s kids."
MillerCoors MillerCoors LLC.
The company's 2008 program concludes con a locally-activated "Enjoy the Lites, Help the Fight" holiday-themed on-premise e off-premise mobile program.
National Association of Letter Carriers
National Association of Letter Carriers
Questo mail carriers union è stato a stalwart friend to MDA per the past 50 years. About 500 NALC local branches across the nation participate in bowl-a-thons, raffles, walks e letter-writing campaigns per MDA annually.
National Child Care Association National Child Care Association
MDA e the NCCA work together to teach preschoolers e young bambini about disabilità. I bambini anche learn the importanza of helping altre quando they take part in Hop-a-Thons per MDA.
Outback Steakhouse Outback Steakhouse/OSI Restaurant Partners
Restaurant giant Outback Steakhouse e the restaurants dentro the OSI famiglia comprendenti Bonefish Grill, Carrabba’s Italian Grill, Fleming's Prime Steakhouse e Wine Bar, Cheeseburger In Paradise, Lee Roy Selmon's, e Blue Coral Seafood e Spirits, support MDA e its lifesaving mission by raising funds through various events comprendenti social galas e golf tournaments.
Real Networks
RealNetworks brings the broadcast dei Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon to a worldwide audience by providing streaming video dei mostrano on the Association’s Web site,
The grocery catena che ha all "the ingredients" per aiutare MDA con its support of Aisles of Smiles e altri programmi.
Per più than 2 decades, SUPERVALU (Albertsons) stores have supported MDA through a variety of special events. Most notably, SUPERVALU (Albertsons) è della MDA largest Shamrocks account e sponsor of gala events such as Muscle Team. The retailer anche è an importante participant in our Aisles of Smiles program.
Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America
A main commitment di questa Masonic organization è finding cures per muscular dystrophy e related malattie neuromuscolari. The Tall Cedars è della MDA oldest sponsor, joining forces in 1951.

America’s young people help MDA by organizing e participating in a colorful variety of events like carnivals e walk-a-thons. Members of queste organizations anche volunteer their time in molti modi, comprendenti serving as counselors alla MDA campi estivi.

Questo association of high school e college marketing students e teachers makes MDA a primary beneficiary of its attività.
Universal Cheerleaders Association
Universal Dance Association
Universal Cheerleaders e Dance Associations
As primary resources per cheer o dance enthusiasts, queste associations select an all-star crew of collegiate cheerleaders who perform on the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon annually.